Here's a few of Anna when we first got in. Enjoying a snack in the beautiful sunny weather.
Anna then begun what was to become her favorite pass-time during our trip...watering the plants in the garden.
That evening we took a walk down by the canal to feed the ducks. Then we took a stop in at the Swan for a few lagers. The Swan has a great outdoor area with kids outdoor toys so the kids can play while you kick back a few beers. Very civilized indeed!
The next day we were off to the petting zoo. We got to see sheep getting their hair cut, feed some goats, and play on some jungle gyms. Uncle Neil, Aunt Jo, Molly and Will joined us for the fun. At one point Anna encountered a very ornery goose, who kept honking at her. Anna proceeded to yell at the goose to "stop barking" as she tells her dog Jesse each day. It was pretty funny!
Daddy has a friend named Wakey, who's family own a farm with horses and ponies. We went for a visit and Anna was lucky enough to sit on one of their beautiful ponies.

Nanny bought a beuatiful cake and we all sung Happy Birthday to Mommy. Anna did a wonderful job blowing out the candles.

One day we decided to take a trip to London on the train with the Finlays. However, there were some transit problems occurring that day, so we took the train to Birmingham instead. It turned out to be a great day. We went to a children's science museum called the "Thinktank." The first few photos are from the night before when all 3 kids took a bath together.
Our last full day turned out to be a beauty. The weather was warm and sunny and Anna spent the day with as little clothes as we would allow.
The trip was wonderful. Anna really had a great time seeing where Daddy grew up and spending so much time with her grandparents, uncles, and new friends. She still asks about Will and Molly every day :-)