Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to 2010!!

Hi all! I know it's been ages since I've updated the blog and I'm sorry. Now stop nagging Linds :-)

Lindsay and I went to take Anna to see Santa Claus at the mall, but the line was too long to wait. Instead, Anna stood in front of the area where Santa was sitting and sang him a song, then we went to ride on the Christmas train.
Also, there are a few pictures of Anna helping to decorate the tree.

The following weekend we went to go have "breakfast with Santa" at Flanders Fish Market with the Hanshaws. Anna was very tentative at first, but after a few shy waves to Santa were returned, she overcame her fear and sat right up in his lap (the promise of candy canes did not hurt either.) Anna told Santa about all she wanted and that she had been a good girl and was rewarded by these snazzy reindeer antlers. Anna had a lot of fun with Deidrea and Sebastian. They came back to our house after and played "dress-up."

Doesn't Anna look so big with her hair in a ponytail!

The weekend before Christmas we had a large snowfall and Anna and I had fun traipsing around in the snow. Anna has gotten particularly good at snow angels.

Grams and Grampa arrived on Tuesday of Christmas week. Anna stayed home with them the rest of the week and enjoyed endless amounts of attention and had tons of fun! Grams came armed with pre-Christmas gifts as well. Here's Anna dressing like a princess in the new "dress up box" that Grams gave her.

Christmas morning arrived and Anna was very excited to see her new kitchen! We had a lot of fun getting meals cooked for us. She opened presents for hours and got pretty tuckered out. We needed to take a break for a while so we saved some presents for when Uncle Darren, Aunt Kristen, and Maggie arrived later in the day. It was so wonderful to have us all together on Christmas.

We had a wonderful time with all the family in!

On New Year's eve, Aunt Maryanne, Uncle Scott, and Ryan came up for a visit. Ryan and Anna had a great time playing together, but we didn't take any pictures :-( Next time!

Mommy and Daddy had Martin Luther King's day off from work so we had a nice long weekend. Unfortunately with sub-par weather we were running out of fun things to do inside. Mommy and Anna decided to make dinosaur cookies. Anna put on the dinosaur apron Aunt Jer had bought her and we made dino cut outs and decorated them with the dino sprinkles Grams had brought us on her last visit. We had a great time making the cookies and Anna had an even better time eating them, especially the sprinkles! On Tuesday, we brought a bunch of them in for Anna's class and they all enjoyed them after their lunch. They made a whole dinosaur theme at school that day! How fun!