Thursday was a sunny, though not especially warm day. We still tried the beach for a while. Anna frolicked with Grampa for a bit but then decided it was too cold and that she'd much rather play on the swing sets in the front of the park.
Daddy and Grampa took Anna to the marina down the road while Grams and Mommy went shopping. Anna played on the boat for a while, very interested in the buttons aboard. She then indulged in a pre-lunch snack of ice cream!! At 10:30 am! I think she has these men wrapped around her finger!
Later that day we had a bunch of family over. We saw Jon, Deb, Tyler, and Josh who were up from NC. We've missed them so much since moving. It was great to see the kids playing together! The Aunt Jer and Aunt Jude came over and Jeff, Michelle, Jay, Sammy, and Sarah! There were kids everywhere running around, having a great time, catching fish, playing; it was wonderful! I have some video I will post soon. We had a birthday cake for Anna which she really enjoyed! Then Jeff orchestrated a fire works display for us all. What a day!
The next day we relaxed after all the excitment of the day before. We were going to go on Aunt Jer and Uncle Dave's boat, but it was very windy. We went up the road to a little park where Anna ran around (everywhere)!
Sunday it was time to leave :-(
We went out to breakfast then being such a beautiful day (figures we were leaving!) Grampa took us for a ride on the boat. Anna was so excited and loved "driving" the boat and playing with all the buttons.
We had a really wonderful time. Every day since we left, when I pick Anna up from daycare she informs me that she doesn't want to go home, she want to go to Grams and Grampa's house. Here's a couple cute photos of cuddles:

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