Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First Tooth

Well we had an exciting weekend as Anna's first tooth appeared Saturday evening. We had been out to lunch in Carborro. It was a beautiful sunny day and we sat outside to eat lunch. Anna was trying a bunch of new foods, including some tater tots off Daddy's lunch plate. We then strolled around a bit and Daddy took a bunch of pictures of Anna and Mommy that you can see below.

When we got home Anna was a bit cranky and when Mommy checked, she felt the first tooth breaking through. By Tuesday the second bottom tooth had appeared. Anna's been understandably a bit uncomfortable.

Anna has been eating a lot of new food lately and now sits at the big kids table at daycare to eat her lunch and snacks. She's been picking up her food and feeding it to herself very well! So far she's tried peas, green been, carrots, puffs, crackers, bread, banana, the aforementioned tater tots, and ravioli. Anna's teacher reported she was also trying to get to her friend's chicken and rice at the table. I think we'll wait a week before trying that ;-)

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