Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Festival!!

This past weekend we spent a beautiful autumn afternoon at the Ives Farms Pumpkin Festival in Cheshire, CT. They had everything from pony rides, hot air balloons, and bungee jumps to face painting, balloon making clowns and Anna's favorite, pumpkin painting. Though I think she may have eaten more paint than actually ended up on her pumpkin. We all went on a tractor pulled hayride and enjoyed the beautiful leaf-changing scenery. The colors are amazing right now!
The last thing we did before leaving was a pony ride. Anna was a bit unsure at first, then really got it to it and was laughing so much!

We went shopping for some slippers fro Anna as our house is all hardwoods and is getting colder with the weather. I tried to steer her towards some cute pink slip-ons but all she wanted were these giraffe ugg-like booties. Here's a few photos of Anna modeling her new slippers as well as a few cool ones Daddy took outside on the patio.


aunt jer said...

I can't believe how big she's getting - she defintely is the CUTEST pumpkin in the patch! And I think she made a great choice for her slippers - her fashion sense is amazing for a 1yr old.

Unknown said...

Those slippers are so cute, I wish I had a pair! It's great to catch up with you guys on here.

Anna's Infant Teacher