Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Welcome Baby Sam!!

We had a bit of a suprise when baby decided to make his entrance more than 4 weeks early on May 29. Quite a big birthday present for Mommy! Samuel James was born at 4 am and weighed 5 lb 13 oz and was 18.5 inches long. Thanks Kaitlin for coming over to the house at 2 am to watch Anna so Daddy could get to the hospital.

One of the days we were still in the hospital, Bryan took Anna in to the beach so she could dip her toes, since it was still quite cold. You can see, more than toes went in. Call her mermaid Anna. There's also a few of Anna in the yard.

Luckily Grams and Grampa were at Auntie Kristen's already so they were able to coming up for our first few days home to help.

Sam two weeks old:

When Sam was two weeks old, Anna had her dance recital. I will post video soon. Sam came and slept on Bryan the whole show.

Anna decided she wanted to get her hair cut. She was afraid people would want to climb up it like Rapunzel's. Here's a few pics of how cute she looks:

Here's our first trip to the park together.

Here's Sam at 6 weeks. Mommy tried taking nice pictures, but I am not as good at it as Auntie kristen. We'll wait until she comes up next week for Anna's birthday to get some really good ones. He is a cute guy.

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